Sunday, June 23, 2024

Subject: Proposal for Collaboration with District-Level Newspapers and Intellectuals

Bipin Shroff

1:08 PM (7 hours ago)
to Sam
My Dear Satubhai & friends,
We had very meaningful deliberations last Thursday, which was on 20th June24.
I would like to bring the attention of all your members regarding the suggestion by Kashikbhai from Canada. He suggested that we should try to have sincere & intellectual context with district level newspapers publishers in regional languages.
Can we prepare a blue print of publications matter on regular basis in relations to cultivate Rahuljee views on Our National problems related to human values ( नफरत के बजारमे म्होब्तकी दुकान), economic -industrial- agricultural policies for inclusive growth etc? We can also invite views on establishing decentralized-participatory political party structure from bottom-up. Creation, independent & nourishing of modern institutions in all walks of life. We can prepare long lists for the same.
But the real task will be to prepare a workable project for reaching to decentralize district publications- cum their owners etc on one side. & secondly, a group of people from our groups & others like minded  intellectuals  who can be pursued to cooperate in this project.
My humble request to you is  to forward this letter to all our group members  & request all of them to come with some positive suggestions on coming thursday.
With regards,
Bipin Shroff.

