Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Rahulji's brainstorming session

Rahulji's brainstorming session with young Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and enlightened IT thinkers.)

Question – Rahulji, Mobile numbers of most of the opposition political party's leaders and public intellectuals are being spied on. What kind of controls are necessary regarding the ever-growing use of Artificial Intelligence against privacy of individuals?

ANS– (Rahul Gandhi). Very gently before the meeting, he called his phone during this program, Hello Modiji, I can probably say hello to Mr. Modi right now if you want. Hello!) I have given up fighting against such shameful spying on the private lives of citizens by the authorities of the country. That is a battle I have given up on. I believe very seriously that the way Pegasus spyware is used in our country, nothing remains as private conversation on mobile. There is an urgent need for laws that provide full protection to citizens of the country against spying from the government.

Question – What do you have to say about the large-scale use of the Internet, computers and AI (this term is now used as an alternative to – Artificial Intelligence in the article) that will make the country's industries and the workers employed in them redundant? 


A – I am not one of those people who believe that the AI industry will create unemployment in the economy at large. I am not one of them; I do not buy that argument. Yes! It is a fact that when new machines and technologies are introduced in the economy on a large scale, some workers become unemployed. But new industrial changes also create new jobs on a large scale in different sectors of the economy. I have officially studied how much the new demand for labor in the entire economy increased when such changes took place in England at the time of the invention of the steam engine? The same argument was made when the use of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel started on a large scale. New machines and technologies reallocate and redistribute manpower to suit themselves. I do not think that new mechanical changes will create mass unemployment. I may be wrong on this point, but that's what I think.

Rahulji requests two Silicon Valley businessmen who are on stage to share their views on the same issue. Hey! Brother, you can find new startups there every day! It has been 30 years now since AI was discovered. My discussion is about the new startup – Chat GPT.

ANS- - Rahulji, after 1945, instead of the destructive use of nuclear weapons, the entire industrial world is using nuclear energy in a peaceful way to produce electricity. A positive consensus has been reached about it instead of a negative one. The same is true of stem cell research.

R-Gandhi- Sam Pitrodaji Suggested about the positive use of AI, startup – Chat GPT. I think it is appropriate to suggest that serious efforts should be made to agree on the global level rather than the individual or national level regarding moral abuse and personal autonomy of civil life. But there should be no restrictions on its collective use at all. Because human prosperity and well-being are constantly increasing with new research. 

   (1) Further, in my opinion AI should be made an indispensable part of the curriculum of primary and secondary school students.

  (2) Our students' skills in engineering and technical education are world class. Even there it should be used on a large scale.

 (3) The AI industry is to make information statistics available in all spheres of modern life in the country. It will become a national and global asset in itself. Based on which new immeasurable and limitless industrial and employment opportunities are likely to be generated. It will depend on how we use that opportunity as a country.

   Next Article – Special Information – National Press Club Washington DC – One Hour Q&A – Answered by Rahulji.
